0 oppression-containing universes and 1 ocean of meme soup, plzthnx.

Ah, there you are. About time. Now, your job is to leave comments (but if you know me I shan't brutally force you, that's just AWKWARD), to report broken links, to keep the matches hidden and to swab.

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Gawdäämn rubbertreehugger

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I AM annoying!

I tested positive for annoyingness at AmIAnnoying.com. Furthermore, you must all go there and help (y)our annoying fave actors by voting! :O

What they had to say about me:

Points: 105
Our professional examination has accurately assessed you as being an annoying person. Your peers don't respect you, but you get a great deal of empathy from them. Now that you are aware of your little problem, take some time each day to try and correct it. Team Annoy's Bruce advises "Choose a friend who is equally as annoying as you and practice being 'not annoying' to each other. The people who deal with you on a day-to-day basis will notice a difference within weeks and may even invite you out to lunch to celebrate your progress."
Time Spent: 5:0

But, I recall watching some cut scene from Die hard many moons ago...

Hans: "Annoy them."
Theo: "What?"
Hans: "Annoyyyyyy them."

Ergle. Unless I dreamed it all.


Anyway, it's June 6 somewhere, so HAPPY B-DAY JASON ISAACS!!! :D

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