0 oppression-containing universes and 1 ocean of meme soup, plzthnx.

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Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Gawdäämn rubbertreehugger

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Gothenburg Film Festival 2006! PARTY!

The wild blue yonder was very good! For such an... artsy film. :D It had been hyped and/so the cinema was packed! They loved Brad! I loved Brad, gasp!

Artsy or not... The ending was so beautiful! *SNIFFLE* The best part. My kind of ending. :) My dream. In Simpsons Bully Voice: "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAA!"

*wakes up*


I just hope those 3-5 astronauts succumbed to inbreeding/the jungle/the precipice before they managed to start... um, the 7th mass extinction. :/


Before the film started I had time to enter the festival tent... (That sounds... orgy-ish.) It's a party tent and they throw in various Winter Hosts - artists that show their bestest favourite film clips ever, apparently. (And that makes me - A WINTER GUEST! OMG! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA. HA.) Tonight they had brought in Amanda Ooms. Alan co-worker for my celeb collection. :9 *click* *scutter*

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