Bono's touch
I fell in luv with my first U2 song, pretty much, I still haven't found what I'm looking for, in music class (*barf*) in 1997 or so. Then I discovered radio. I mean really. Including more U2.
New Year's day
I still haven't found what I'm looking for
Where the streets have no name
The unforgettable fire
Beautiful day
Stuck in a moment you can't get out of
Walk on
Miracle drug
Sometimes you can't make it on your own
City of blinding lights
+ hopefully songs I have not yet heard (bad CD-buyer me)...
That summer, 1997, U2 played in my town and I was too young, too stupid & too far into the wilderness to hunt tix. I kind of regretted this until I saw a chance for revenge (erm... on myself) in 2005...
However, on February 7 I failed miserably at the task of securing tix for last night's U2 concert in Gothenburg... Release at 9am. Lecture at 9am. I'd got my priorities straight. Or not. :'( Sold out after 90 minutes. Heeey, I wanted to see U2 IRL, take a pic where Bono was perhaps one whole pixel tall, drown my singing voice in 50000 others + get high. :p IN THE FRONT ROW! X'C Would I have to wait another 8 years, or at least get lost in Stockholm after... a smaller but nevertheless sad number of years?
Yet on January 14 I had dreamt that I shook Bono's hand.
Which wasn't the point.
Extraordinary shite has happened every July 27 since 2002. This trend was shockingly broken in 2005. Gulp.
But. The city paper had kindly (ahem) revealed U2:s hotel, restaurants and pubs of choice this time around. :B Bright, sunny fan stories went online in seconds. I kindly only stalked the hotel... and earned a few 100 Life Points on July 28 when I saw, heard & took a blurry pic of Bono! :D Oh, and he was talking on his mobile phone and held it up: "Say hello to my friend Joe!" Yoze: "Gag." But there was no time for me to reach the front of the crowd before he disappeared into the hotel.
*checks hotel rates... not*
"Ah well, what I wanted most was to see Bono, and seen him I have, much closer than I might have at any concert! :q But... WHAT'S the harm in returning here tomorrow morning? :B"
Harm to one's back, literacy & honour?
On July 29, ~1 month after my meeting with teh Ewan :D and a stunning 5 hours after I'd fallen asleep, I woke up:
"Urgh... I gotta re-stalk U2... But what if they've already left for the arena or summat when I arrive... or if they sneak out the back door... or jump directly from the hotel windows into their fancy black cars... or I don't get a siggy... One could not even BLAME them. :p"
Between 8am and 11am or so I lurked at & watched from a bus stop near the hotel. Guards mingled in the entrance and fixed up some barricades, but there were no other stalkers to be seen - I figured I was the most neurotic as well as the least informed fan. :q Didn't want to look stalky, nor wear out my stalker legs until it was necessary. I latched on to one of the last stretches of barricade near the hotel entrance about 1 h after the guards had said that nothing would happen for at least 4 more h. :B
To my left was a young female autograph hunter, her friend behind us. They didn't seem to be over-enthusiastic about U2:s music, but seasoned stalkers. To my right was a male U2 fanatic, clutching a bunch of ancient LP records. He had been close to the stage at the July 27 Oslo concert and was now trying to decide whether he should wait for a handshake or get in line for the concert. Poor bahstahd. He split, but rather late, and was replaced in seconds by some Finnish guy.
The fancy black cars were driven all over the place and some drivers I recognised from the day before scurried about and made everyone whisper "THIS IS IT!" once an hour. After a couple of hours, I realised I might want to remove my book-filled backpack or I would not laaaaaast. :B I hung it on the barricade. Mmm, pillow. Anyway, there were almost no people behind me (unlike the situation at a certain movie premiere) so there was room to sit down. Ahhh. "Hmm. I can't see a thing. What if Bono comes out right NOW, runs past us with a pen and I don't rise in time? My arse. I hope I haven't sat on a chewing gum. Or a vomit. Do not fart, Finnish guy. Someone fix me a fluffy velvet armchair. Or one of them hotel rooms. I can share."
So I got up every time the mood started to sparkle, hehe.
Discussions from around me + the inside of my head:
~Will U2 emerge from this main entrance, through the kitchen door or through that little door farther down the street where the cars are standing now? Why are the cars standing there now?! BOOOOHOOOOOO!
~Wonder how often, if at all, this silver pen needs to be obscenely shaken in order to work?
~Will U2 stop to sign anything or will they have to hurry to the arena?
~I'm bored.
~Have they already left and spent the day doing Gothenburg?
~So what does Gothenburg have that I don't?!
~If U2 are planning to stop and chat now, will they change their minds if (erm, WHEN) the rain starts?
~"SUGAR... WATER..." (Muahaha, I did possess sugar water. Cactus Festis. Unwise to overuse fluid when stalking though...)
~& how will I best commit suicide when the rain starts? YAY! SHARP TOXIC PEN!
Around 4pm, the siggy hunters decided to believe that U2 would emerge at 6. At 5 seconds to 6, Per Gessle came out of the hotel.
Everyone: :O
He used to be in the duo Roxette, I dunno how famous they ever were outside Sweden & Japan or what brand of nappies y'all were in, but check out Roxette. :9 They can be almost as good as U2. *crosses self* Sometimes. Now Gessle is solo & has made close to 0 songs that are my cuppa. :B He has, however, filled the same arena as U2. I've had 5000 chances to see him but got no pic now. :p
And at 6-ish, when it STILL wasn't raining, the drivers could be seen getting into the black cars for the final time... The cars moved up between the barricades... GENUINE mood-sparkling. Suddenly the crowd got loud and 1 s later I spotted BONO standing on Plaza's front step, waving and doing the peace sign, sez my totally reliable memory. :D
He walked behind the car, over to the OPPOSITE BARRICADE :O and the fans clumped around him like wee iron filings. A crazy fangirl farther down the same barricade squealed pleadingly for an autograph. Over & over. I was happy to have another maniac do all the work. >:B And Bono kept moving down that barricade, around the car and over to our side... +O
The War of the Barricades.
But meanwhile, Adam Clayton had appeared in front of us! Soooo I barely knew 50% of the U2 members' names before today. :p Well, he signed the front of my How to dismantle an atomic bomb leaflet. :) Huge siggy, so I hurried to find some other cool pic of Bono, which wasn't easy, what with the tradition of filling CD leaflets with band photos christened Blurry overexposed blots 200 m away. But I succeeded in my quest!
Bono signed to the right of me, to the left of me - i.e. for the siggy hunter. As one would expect, she had not brought any U2-related item, but a fat siggy book for all occasions. :q
I swung my leaflet-laden arm over the head of some kid who for some (probably tragic) reason had been permitted in front of the barricade, and I GOT BONO'S SIGGY!!! Wouldn't have guessed that 36 h earlier! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Wonder why exactly he asked for the siggy hunter's name & not mine, though...
~Because the absence of CD leaflets and the presence of a half-full siggy book suggested she only wanted to E-bay the siggy and so he felt like personalising it? (I would sell my Preciousesss only if I wanted heroin and had already sold my right foot to McDonald's, btw.)
~Because I acted like a fecking maniac?
Tricky. Tricky. :B
Then he changed directions again (luckily, or he would have gone through the hotel wall) and my arm followed, back over the kid's head. Bob Almighty had temporarily freed Bono's hand of the pen bunch, so I gathered a sip of courage and...
Heh, I didn't see that coming either, on January 14, waking from the dream. :D
I know everyone says this of every idol-hand they shake, but His Hand Was So Warm & Soft & His Grip -
*trails off into trash novel style sentence that one needs to read with HANDS in mind, HANDS, HANDS!*
*awakes 3 weeks later*
Hem hem. Then (meaning: at some damned point) the crowd yelled "EDGE! EDGE!" The guitar god retraced Bono's footsteps around the car and eventually reached our little corner. He was signing things in my vicinity when someone yelled "We gotta go!" But he still gave me one of his very last siggies, a quick one. :)
Those lucky ticket-possessing bahstahds waiting, breaking, bursting, dying in the arena (cue Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard) might as well be kept waiting & suffering an extra 0.5 s. AHAHAHAHA!
As the car blasted off, Bono rolled the window down to say good bye (we replied, gasp) and shake some more hands. Awww.
I'm not sure anyone saw Larry Mullen, but I'm not complaining about MY BONO EXPERIENCE! XD
Then I staggered off to the bus, blissful smile on my face. Nose & other facial organs in close contact with my right palm. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Pix to be found in this 'ere album, I'd link directly to the pix themselves if a LINKING MACHINE SOMEWHERE weren't so fecked up! :p